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《魅影空間》第六季第二集︰奇門遁甲 主持:Winne、Kitty 嘉賓︰寶善老師 (逢星期四更新)
3 評論
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He only said he heard it from some fellows, are they reliable? A gathering of rich men, lao pan. Rich men more reliable? They may be lying to him. Masters without name, story tellers without name. And you chorus as if you know it is real. This is D100. Maybe TaiPan has to review if his station is about responsibility and truth. Tai Pan was insistent to have Mr Cheong properly queried when some people called to complain. Have standards drop?
Since day 1 of 魅影空間, Kitty already emphasized 魅影空間 is not a religion program. If one is a geniune 魅影空間 fan, of course knew that Kitty has never tried to convince anyone to believe her stories. Likewise applied to her guests of honor. Supporters of 魅影空間 or D100 have the intelligence to tell what is true and what is not.